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HGB Terms of Reference: October 2018

Published: 6 July 2018

Terms of Reference

To ensure alignment of spatial, economic and infrastructure plans for Hertfordshire in order to safeguard and maintain Hertfordshire’s unique quality of life and prosperity. 

To develop a Memo of Understanding between the County Council, District and Borough Council’s, and the LEP about how we will work together as equal partners with different roles, to manage future growth well in Hertfordshire. 

To bring together the work of the emerging South West Herts Joint Planning and North, East and Central Herts Joint Planning groups, ensure strategic infrastructure requirements are identified and fed into the Hertfordshire Infrastructure and Funding prospectus. 

To oversee the development and maintenance of the Hertfordshire Infrastructure and Funding prospectus and advise the County Council, the LEP and Local Transport Board on key infrastructure priorities needed to support economic and housing growth. 

To develop innovative joint financial models and to seek external funding opportunities to fund the development and delivery of key infrastructure projects. 

To monitor the development and delivery of agreed infrastructure projects. 

To work with the Hertfordshire LEP on the development and delivery of the Local Industrial Strategy including the development of key employment sites. 

To maintain particular focus on the regeneration of Hertfordshire’s New Towns, Town Centres and development and delivery of new Garden Towns. 

Act as the voice of Hertfordshire to Government, the emerging Sub National Transport bodies, Homes England, Highways England, Network Rail, TfL, Energy and Utility providers to ensure Hertfordshire’s infrastructure needs (including Digital Connectivity) are heard and recognised in future investment priorities and funding. 

To work with strategic partners across our borders to ensure effective coordination of cross border issues, decisions and infrastructure needs e.g. authorities in the LSCC, Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge Corridor, Central Bedfordshire and Luton, London. 

To guide the work of the Hertfordshire Infrastructure and Planning Partnership in relation to common cross cutting planning issues e.g. Viability Assessment, the development of CIL, Skills and Capacity, Quality Standards for new development. 

To develop effective engagement with the NHS in order to ensure future health service provision is aligned with spatial and economic growth. 

To develop a Strategic Growth Narrative for Hertfordshire and explore a Growth Deal with Government to secure long term infrastructure funding and planning freedom and flexibilities. 

To develop a long term strategic vision that sets out the broad spatial economic and infrastructure framework for Hertfordshire to 2050. 

Hertfordshire Growth Board Membership

Leaders of Hertfordshire County Council and all Hertfordshire Borough/District Councils
Chair of HIPP
Chair of LEP
Chair of South West Herts Joint Planning Group
Chair of North, East and Central Herts Joint Planning Group
Other Public Sector Leaders e.g. NHS
Observers from Highways England, HMCLG, DfT, Police and Crime Commissioner, Homes England
Observers from Surrounding Counties and emerging SNTBs. 

Frequency of Meetings

At first – monthly meetings to establish work programme, develop trust and commitment. 

Then quarterly meetings. 

Growth Board - Officer Support Group

Director of Environment and Infrastructure HCC
Executive Director of LEP
Chief Executives/Directors/Heads of Planning for Districts/Boroughs
Representative from NHS