Teams Teleconferencing
Tuesday 7 July 2020, 16:30- 18:30
Members of the Board
Council Leaders
L Cocking, Broxbourne Borough Council
A Williams, Dacorum Borough Council
L Haysey, East Herts District Council
D Williams, Hertfordshire County Council
M Bright, Hertsmere Borough Council
M Stears-Handscomb, North Hertfordshire District Council
C White, St Albans City and District Council
S Taylor, Stevenage Borough Council
S Bedford, Three Rivers District Council
P Taylor (Mayor), Watford Borough Council
T Kingsbury, Welwyn and Hatfield Borough Council
Council Chief Executives
J Stack, Broxbourne Borough Council
S Marshall, Dacorum Borough Council
R Cassidy, East Herts District Council
O Mapley, Hertfordshire County Council
S Bijle, Hertsmere Borough Council
A Roche, North Hertfordshire District Council
A Foley, St Albans City and District Council
M Partridge, Stevenage Borough Council
J Wagstaff, Three Rivers District Council
D Nolan, Watford Borough Council
R Bridge, Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council
Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership
M Bretton, Chairman
N Hayes, Chief Executive
Hertfordshire Growth Board
P Dell, Director – Hertfordshire Growth
1. Apologies
2. Minutes
To confirm the Minutes of the Board meeting held on 2 June 2020
3. Hertfordshire Growth Board (HBG) Programmes update
Programme updates from Political and Chief Executive leads:
- MHCLG Engagement Workstream
- Hertfordshire Southern East – West Growth Corridor Programme Board
- Hertfordshire Northern East – West North Growth Corridor and NEC Joint Planning Update
4. Hertfordshire Growth Board (HGB)– MHCLG Workstream -Growth and Recovery Prospectus 2020 (working draft)
Confidential item – not for future publication due to the confidential and developing nature of the strategic matters covered by the report and appendices
5. Hertfordshire Growth Board (HGB) Communications Update
Presentation of the HGB microsite- Lucy Gravatt HGB Comms Lead
6. Hertfordshire Growth Board (HGB) Budget Update
7. Standing items
South West Herts Joint Plan
S Marshall, Dacorum Borough Council (verbal update)
Single Housing Investment Grant Harlow Gilston Garden Town update
P Dell, Hertfordshire County Council (verbal update)
8. Date of next meeting
The next planned meeting will be held on 8 September 2020 9.30 to 11.30 via Teams Teleconferencing unless advised otherwise. In the light of the stage reached in discussions with MHCLG, and inputs to the negotiation process that may be needed in July and August. Leaders are asked to agree to the scheduling of a further HGB meeting early August.
9. Any other business
If you require further information about this agenda, please contact Elaine Manzi, Democratic and Statutory Services, Hertfordshire County Council on Telephone 01992 588062, or email