Welcome to the first Hertfordshire Property Partnership (HPP) Progress Report. HPP is a countywide collaboration involving local government, Herts Living Ltd, Homes England, health services and the police. This partnership views Hertfordshire as one, sharing best practices, knowledge and attracting funding to the region.
HPP was established to address key growth challenges in a collaborative manner, seeking funding opportunities for urban regeneration and major development projects. By integrating services, we aim to meet the needs of our communities and address the demand for housing. This report showcases the exciting projects across our county, supported by the One Public Estate programme.
The programme aims to repurpose surplus public estate for housing and regeneration, unlocking land for development to create new homes and jobs. It is jointly delivered by the Local Government Association and the Office of Government Property within the Cabinet Office and Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Through the support of this programme, Hertfordshire is making significant strides in urban regeneration and growth, ensuring that our public estate is used effectively to support local growth and community needs while driving greater efficiencies.
Click here to read the full report.
To find out more, please email hertfordshirepropertypartnership@hertfordshire.gov.uk.
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